Do Snails Kill Themselves?

While much is known about their life cycle, a mysterious aspect surrounds snail demise. Most perish due to natural causes, such as old age or illness, while some fall victim to tank predators. However, could there be a possibility that snails engage in self-inflicted harm or even commit suicide?


Do Snails Lower pH?

In the world of aquarium enthusiasts, maintaining the optimal pH level is crucial for the health and well-being of aquatic inhabitants. Among the delicate creatures affected by pH fluctuations are snails, whose existence is intricately intertwined with the acidity or alkalinity of their surroundings.


Do Snails Live Longer in the Wild Than Captivity?

This post delves into the intricacies of snail life by comparing their lifestyles in captivity and the wild. It explores the dynamics of the tank environment and how they impact a snail’s survival, including factors such as predators, ideal parameters, food availability, and stress levels.


Why Are My Snails Dying?

In this article, I will analyze the most common causes of snail mortality. First, I will examine the primary factors that contribute to snail deaths. Next, I will discuss methods for identifying deceased snails and provide insights on how to handle them.